Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Middle of the night feeding- not the baby!!:)

So here it is after 12 and I can not sleep.. call it the exercise or caffiene but this lady is shoveling cookies and coke down!! Burgundy said something that I had to write before I forgot- I had just got done mopping the floors and she could see that they were wet.. I told her to be careful they were slippery.. so I go about my business and put some eye drops in my eyes and she looked at me and said mommy are your eyes slippery!! I got a kick out of that:)

So I joined the church choir tonight! Big step for this shy one!! It was a ton of fun and it gives me that extra boost before sunday!! I needed that. My mission now- to find a jewel inspired shirt and some black slacks that actually fit!! Well I had better get off here I just didn't want to forget that little Burgundy-ism!! night all!!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to let you know I think your blog is SO cute!!! I LOVE the pictures and your little stories are just precious!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!
