Thursday, May 3, 2012

things I have learned as a bus driver.......

1. My bright yellow/orange bus is camoflauge!!!! No really people pull out in front of me ALL the time;)
2. The fan is NOT to keep the driver cool- it IS to keep the smell of 8 year old boys "gas" away from me.
3. It may be 80 degrees and beautiful outside, but in my bus it's 120!
4. There are thumb tacks in all the seats! ( thats why the kids are always trying to stand;)
5. The stoplight will always turn yellow to red when there is a cop on the other side:)
6. I always have a ton of traffic around me except when my speedometer gauge sticks..( and there will also be a cop clocking speed when this happens!)
7. I can stop traffic!!!
8. I can't stop traffic!!( but I get tag numbers of those pesky drivers who don't stop- and guess what!? The cops issue tickets!!
9. Parents who just dropped THEIR kids off at school don't stop for YOUR children to cross the crosswalk:(
10. Parents defend their children, even when they're the bully
11. It is completely acceptable to buy/make a christmas present for your childs driver;)
12. Even though we only drive back and forth to school we are working up to 2 hrs before and after schoool:(
13. It will always rain before you go to inspect the outside of your bus.
14. Sunglasses are a must!
15. Morning sickness is not fun at 5 am with screaming children and no restroom in sight.
17.Just because I am a bus driver does not mean I am poor. ( I have never seen so many escalades, lincolns, bmws in a parking lot!) This stems from a food drive we did on the bus and one parent wouldn't send anything because they didn't want me to take it home with me;( and this is someone from "that" kind of neighborhood....)
18. I can work 4 hrs a day and still bring home a chunk of change;)
19. Lastly I will always remember these kiddos... ( I had to yell their name everyday for the past year;) even though I am just passing through for a short time;)

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