Sunday, July 10, 2011

Burgundy Rose turns 3!!!

So my little girl Burgundy Rose turned 3 on saturday! The day was a little surreal for me- the day started with her getting to sleep in.. then to mommys to get her "curls" and "made-up" toddler for- her hair being curled, blush and lip gloss:) She was also sprayed with about 20 gallons of hairspray( that will come into the story a little later)  Burgundy has super straight thin hair- which is competely opposite what I have so I have no idea what to do with it sometimes!! Anyway her party was at jumpzone( and indoor inflatables building) which is the absolute perfect place for a 3 year olds party!! We had to make a stop to wal-mart( from Bentonville wal-mart has to show up in my post:) to get her cake:) it was a two tier cake with all the disney princesses on it- she adored it.. or so I thought- we got to the bakery to pick it up and they had a toy story cake in the display case at the top of her lungs " I want the toy story cake!!" * blushing and embarrassed I said yep I'm picking up the "toy story" cake wink wink... she didn't remember that cake at all once she was at the party;) yes!!! of course my little princess was fashionably late:) Well heres where the hairspray comes in- they bounce first so an hour and a half of bouncing then party.. in my mind they should do it the other way so that mommy and daddy and family can get cute pics first but no.. I got sweaty beat red faced kids:( oh well!! Once we got in the room we had 30 mins for pizza, cake, and presents! I felt rushed and of course every toy she wanted to open and see first... yeah that didn't happen;)  I basically threw bags at her and daddy quickly swept them away!! it was very nice she got a ton of special presents!!! I will post pics probably tom:) Once we got home my living room was a disaster!!!! and stayed that way the remainder of then night!! We had a special spaghetti dinner- her request and then off to watch a barbie movie then bed!! It was one long day!!!!
 During the course of the day poor Tynison didn't geet much mommy time so tom baby boy I am all yours:) * Burgundy will be busy playing with her new toys:)
 I apparently woke up at some point last night telling my husband that we were not going to be going to church.... once I was awake and present in mind and body (9am) I hopped up and started getting ready I go downstairs and tell Jason yep we're going- poor guy thought he got out of it;) dropped Burgundy off at her queens* jasons mom i s her queen;)( she hates daycare and does terrible so we always try to leave her with a grand parent) then I came home and got Jason and Tynison... the message was wonderful and has me very excited for the next 4 weeks! its a 5 weeks series titled are we in the end of times... very wonderful and always a great way to start my week- I really honestly believe that if I miss church on sunday the entire week is doomed... it;s so uplifting- not to mention its our kid free time to share with the Lord!! win-win!! We usually go grocery shopping after church and today was no different- we shopped then went to BBQ at queens:) it was yummy and I am pretty sure I have the most talented husband when it comes to cooking:) I had a special moment at church while we were singing and listening to the message- it talked about a break down in relations- I looked over and realized how lucky I really am- we have our ups and downs.. but Jason really works hard to take care of us- he always makes sure I have cookies and a full tummy- he always makes time for both Burgundy and Tynison after working with hundreds of kids everyday! He really is a marvelous man and I am VERY lucky!! our " relations" are great:) Jason Randall I love you! Throughout the weekend Burgundy let us in on her corky cute side a bit- my favorite quotes f the weekend went a little like this.... tynison was in the bath and Burgundy was helping wash him he started to cry and Burgundy said" its ok bubba- use your words!" that girl needs to take her own advice:0 haha... then today Jasons little sister was going to wm with her soon to be step dad and Burgundy wanted to go- I said Burgundy Calvin doesnt have a carseat in his car- her response - mommy has one!!! smarty pants!! and lastly she-was babbling being Burg and I kinda muttered a laugh she looked at me and said 'mommy youre killing me!" WHAT??!! haha.. I love my little princess and happy birthday my wonderful sassy pants- you are growing into an amazing little girl and I look forward to seeing what this next year holds!!!

(sorry about the typos and such - its 12 and the lights are all off... haha)

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